Monday, March 30, 2020

ACCN Chemistry Offers A Fresh Approach To Science Education

ACCN Chemistry Offers A Fresh Approach To Science EducationACCN Chemistry is an online website that caters to the needs of students worldwide. It offers courses in chemistry, biochemistry, and other related subjects. When looking for a school offering such programs, there are a few things that you should take into consideration.Students have to take note that online chemistry courses can differ greatly from what you will find in a classroom. One reason for this is because the environment is much more conducive to learning in an interactive manner than it would be in a classroom setting.In addition, students can often expect to do more than just sit back and listen. They can actually make use of the learning process to actively participate in the lecture. All of this can be a great advantage for students who often struggle with such things as motivation and concentration.One of the other benefits of working with online courses is that students can take the subject of chemistry in a ne w direction, without having to start all over again from scratch. Students will have access to a library of online textbooks for the course. They can also utilize online resources like labs and assessment tools.Students will also find that many of the free online content available on the website contains links to the sites of other universities offering similar programs. Students can also find sample tests that can be used as a way to see how a certain subject is to be tackled in an actual classroom setting. At ACCN Chemistry, students can get assistance with the selection of a college to attend by exploring online courses with other students.While online materials can be of accurate information, students still need to ensure that they are using them in the correct manner. For instance, if they come across material that they are not comfortable with, then they should contact the instructor right away. The instructor will be able to help to address the issue so that the student is no t wasting any time trying to find another solution.Teachers and students alike have to keep in mind that science is not something that can be learned through trial and error. It can be learned only through the use of solid logic, the application of knowledge obtained from various sources, and the application of the most appropriate methods. By utilizing these methods and strategies, students will find themselves ready to tackle problems on their own.In short, science is not just learned through experimentation and observation, but also through the analysis of collected data. By making use of various resources and tools, students will be able to get a better understanding of the subject matter, and will also be able to get a handle on various concepts in the process. The better they are at understanding the basics of science, the easier it will be for them to tackle more complex problems in the future.

Friday, March 6, 2020

KK Benchan Eikaiwa

KK Benchan Eikaiwa KK Benchan Eikaiwa Benchan Eikaiwa is a small school in downtown Kumamoto, Japan. Kumamoto is a medium-sized city in the Southwest of Japan in the Kyushu region. The population is around 700,000 and most aspects of daily life and leisure are conveniently available. The city is a short (1 hour) train ride from Fukuoka. The school holds classes for both children and adults. Both sections of the school use syllabi and textbooks to make class management, preparation, and assessment easier to managely consistently, both lesson to less as well as teacher to teacher. Our main goals are to support our students in their goals using English. Students come to use for all sorts of reasons, but we try to keep in mind why they need English and to support them in reaching that goal through English! Like many English schools, our schedule is afternoon and evening heavy, with many classes also taking place on Saturday. As such, we tend to start work at 11:30 or 12:30 on the weekdays, finishing at 9:30. On Saturday, we start at 9:30 and finish at 6:30. There are also periodic events, such as dinners, movie nights, etc. We always try to maintain a positive and friendly learning atmosphere for the students.

Chemistry Equation Solver - Helps You With Your Scientific Education

Chemistry Equation Solver - Helps You With Your Scientific EducationA chemistry equation solver can help you see the connection between a variety of disparate chemical reactions. It allows you to find out whether one type of reaction produces one or more molecules that give rise to a different set of other molecules. It is an effective way to solve the chemical reactions that occur on a daily basis. You might not know this but there are very few people who would say that they did not get to enjoy a science project as a result of using a chemistry equation solver.A physics degree, although very useful, does not provide precise knowledge about anything. This is the reason why many students in this field have entered the technical area of chemistry. The use of a chemistry equation solver in this technical field allows them to reach a high level of competence in the chemical sciences.In order to become an effective chemist, you have to spend quite a long time in the academic environment. Your school will only grant you a license if you complete a certain course. The requirement of this is the completion of certain prescribed levels in terms of grades, number of class hours and other requisite measures.During your studies, you will be required to make up a certain percentage of the required subject material. This can be made up in such a way that you do not waste any time on unnecessary academic work.For this reason, you will have to acquire yourself a complex equation solver software. A complicated software can take much of your time and energy, leaving little or no for the important activities of your studies. You will thus be able to concentrate your efforts and time on getting to know more about the science and engineering.A variable equation solver is an indispensable tool in chemistry. It helps you to solve a wide range of diverse equations involving thermodynamics, electronic behavior, chemical kinetics, chromatography, microorganisms, and kinetics. It also e nables you to obtain additional information about the reaction that you are solving.You can find many websites that offer online solution solver that enable you to solve the complex equations at a much lower rate of speed. As long as you have adequate software with you, this will enable you to arrive at a greater amount of proficiency in chemistry.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Efficacy of Using Technology in Tutoring Sessions

The Efficacy of Using Technology in Tutoring SessionsIf you're trying to teach a kid how to play video games, the first thing you need to be doing is playing the games yourself. While it might seem fun, most gamers just won't be comfortable with you having a remote. I'm sure you know what happens when your spouse is watching your every move and smiling at him or her. If you can, try and avoid being on the video camera, even if only for one day.When you first begin teaching the kids how to play video games, you might feel like you have lost all authority. However, this really is a chance to establish your dominance over them and show them that you are the teacher, not the student. They will begin to feel more confident about challenging their teachers and themselves. Once you become a respected tutor, they will want to challenge you and see how well you handle yourself. That will start a chain reaction and they will continue to emulate you.You will also need to use technology in tutor ing sessions. Technology has changed the world since it was invented. It has made life much easier and it has helped everyone around the world communicate. Most schools use the internet as part of their technology for students. Some websites are free while others require membership. Try and find out what those schools to use and get used to seeing a lot of their information.The internet also offers a lot of learning opportunities for those who are already experts in their field. If you want to help them learn to play video games, the best way to do it is to watch them play. Watch them play over the internet. At times, you might even want to record your own play sessions. This is great practice for you to see how the kid will react to playing video games in real life.Once you've spent some time watching your child play video games, you can now start to use tutoring sessions in your sessions. Don't play games with your child yet. Instead, turn on the game you want to teach them, take out your laptop and put it on a table and start playing the game with them. After a while, you can show them how to play the game without your assistance.You should also make sure that you record the video game sessions. When you have a child who plays video games at home, you need to be able to see how they interact with their parents and siblings. You can do this by turning the computer off and watching the game. You can even make copies of the videos and put them up on the internet for all the family to see. This will let everyone in the family to see how they play.For parents, when they first start tutoring their children about video games, it can be a little bit of a struggle because they might feel like you are forcing them to learn. However, the more they see their child using video games, the more confident they will become. Eventually, they will get the hang of it and start to enjoy it.

How to Help With Algebra Problems

How to Help With Algebra ProblemsHow to help with algebra 1 problems can be a daunting task for most students. The idea of helping with algebra can be a bit overwhelming for many students. You can learn a variety of ways on how to help with algebra and mathematics problems. Some ways will be more effective than others, but as long as you can find a way that helps you understand the concepts you are learning.The first thing you can do to help with algebra is to ask questions. Go to the library or look online to find answers to questions. If you don't know how to ask questions then start your questions with, 'So, can you give me some information on what it means to be able to help with algebra problems?' Ask questions that are relevant to the learning process of the subject at hand.The problem is that when most students get a math class, they do not take the time to figure out the things that are going on around them in order to find out what is going on in the class. This can be scary , but once you have figured out what is going on around you in the class, you will be able to find the answers to your questions.Another way to help with algebra is to use flash cards to help with algebra. What you want to do is to make up some games to help with the problem. You will find these cards online or in bookstores.Help with algebra can also be given by finding help by reading textbooks. If you don't know how to read well then try to take some reading courses to help you with algebra problems. Reading works best for children as they learn better when they are reading.There are also other methods of help with algebra that can be used to help with algebra problems. Most people don'trealize that just because you don't know how to use a calculator doesn't mean you can't help with algebra problems. You can use different calculators, algebra plug-in or even your computer if you don't have a calculator handy.Help with algebra can also be found in other ways. For example, there ar e books on the subject available. These books can be used as a visual aid to help you with problems in class.

Britain and France A Love-Hate Relationship

Britain and France A Love-Hate Relationship The Curious World of Anglo-French Relations ChaptersPolitical History Between Britain and FranceBritain and France in the Modern AgeSporting Rivalries Between England and FranceSeparated only by a thin strip of water in Western Europe known as the English Channel, the history shared between Britain and France is as turbulent as you’d imagine.The countless wars fought between both countries, as well as the many political agreements and tensions, have made for a unique relationship between the UK and France.In addition to the numerous jokes and stereotypes which have been borne of our interaction with the French, there are all kinds of evidence for this one-of-a-kind relationship in both nations.Did you know that 45% of English words are derived from French?When William the Conqueror successfully invaded England and famously took the English crown in 1066, the people he brought with him left the legacy of their language as well as unknowingly providing a basis for many jokes which would be told for centuries thereafter.So, hav e the Brits and the French always fought against each other? What about invading one another? And what do Anglo-French relations look like today?If Britain and France had to put a label on their relationship, they would probably say ‘it’s complicated’.Let’s have a look at all the things that make this partnership both a match made in heaven and a match made in hell. AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFrench Teacher 5.00 (2) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Political History Between Britain and FranceCountries are like people: spending a lot of time side by side means that interaction is inevitable â€" and this can either be positive or negative.There have been many points in history in which France and the UK have not seen eye-to-eye and have even tried to take control over the other country, but they have also successfully worked together on more than one occasion.So, what are the most important points in the history between the UK and our French cousins?The Norman Conquest1066 is a famous date here in the UK. It marks a year in which our country was invaded by the Normans (who were from what is now known as France) which resulted in the claiming of the English crown by the invaders.When William the Conqueror brought his men over the English Channel from Normandy, they brought their language and heritage with them â€" and there is still strong evidence of this in the British society of today.It’s no coincidence that 45% of our voca bulary is derived from French.English belongs to the Germanic family of languages, however, with almost half of our lexicon coming from the version of French spoken in Normandy nearly 1000 years ago, it’s fair to say that William the Conqueror changed the course of the English language forever.Hundred Years WarAn important period in the history of France, the Hundred Years War actually lasted longer than one hundred years. Starting in 1337 and finishing with an English victory in 1453, the 116 years that the French and English armies were engaged in battle was a period of European conflict.The war began because of two main reasons: England wanted control of the English-owned, French-controlled region of Aquitaine, and the English royal family was also after the French crown.The sheer duration of this conflict means that there were many developments and lots of battles, too â€" 56 battles to be precise!One of the most significant points of the war was marked by the involvement of J oan of Arc ¦ source: Pixabay - JACLOU-DLJoan of Arc claimed to have visions in which she was told of her duty to be the saviour of France by St. Michael and St. Catherine. After successfully gaining the trust of the heir to the French throne, Joan led the French forces to many victories in battle until she was sold to the English by the Burgundians, who were allied with them.After this alliance collapsed, France emerged victorious in 1441 and the presence of the English in France became strictly controlled thereafter.The American War of Independence1776 was a turbulent year for the British, and France’s involvement only complicated things further.As Britain’s 13 North-American colonies became disgruntled with their British-run government, mounting tensions meant that war broke out between Britain and the colonists in 1775, and the movement for American independence was born.France decided to officially enter the conflict in alliance with the colonists in 1778, after two years o f providing support to the rebels in secret.The USA gained its official independence on 4th July 1776, however, the British did not recognise this victory until 1783, when the war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Britain also signed a peace treaty with France.Napoleon INapoleon Bonaparte is one of the most famous names in military history â€" and for good reason.As the first Emperor of France after the Revolution of 1789, Napoleon’s mission was to expand his empire as much as possible â€" and this included planning to invade England.Admiral Lord Nelson, who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar, is commemorated at Trafalgar Square ¦ source: Visualhunt - romanboedHowever, Napoleon was soon sent a strong signal that this plan was a bad idea when his forces were defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar by Admiral Lord Nelson.However, Napoleon’s retaliation to this was to put a spanner in the works of the British economy by imposing laws whereby British g oods could not be taken anywhere under his control.The British then made an alliance with Prussia and Austria, who Napoleon has also been bothering. This British-Prussian partnership defeated the French at Waterloo, and Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena, where he remained for six years until his death in 1821.Follow the link to read more about Napoleon Bonaparte and other influential French people.Britain and France in the Modern AgeThe amount of history between the UK and France has set the scene for many modern-day developments in the relationship between the two countries.Let’s take a look at some of the most significant points in Anglo-French history over the past century.Anglo-French Relations in World War One and TwoThe First World War started after the declaration of war on Serbia by Austria following the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.After Russia announced its support for Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia in order to defend Austria. Next, France, an ally of Russia, declared war on Germany, then Britain declared war on Germany after German forces invaded Belgium in an attempt to reach France. In just a few days, most of Europe was engaged in a world war.As both France and Britain had declared war on Germany, they joined Russia to form an alliance known as the Triple Entente. Once Russia had left the conflict, Britain and France, as part of the larger Allied Powers, emerged victorious with the help of the USA when the German forces asked their government to put an end to the war. The armistice was signed on 11th November 1918.The Brits and the French also worked together towards victory in the Second World War, which started when both nations declared war on Nazi Germany after it invaded Poland in 1939.Again, an alliance was formed between Britain, France, the Soviet Union (formerly Russia), the USA, China, and members of the Commonwealth.The Allied Forces worked together to defeat the Axis Powers (Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan), but it was Britain which liberated France from German occupation which saw the French government move out of Paris.Following the liberation of France, Germany was invaded by the allies, and surrendered soon after. Japan carried on fighting until the USA bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki four months later.De Gaulle’s EEC VetoThe partnership between Britain and France in the world wars was brought into question when French President, Charles de Gaulle, vetoed the UK’s entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1963.Founded in 1957, the EEC was the precursor to the European Union. Primary, the EEC was created as a common market for countries within Europe, however, after the UK had refused to engage in negotiations around the terms of the EEC, whilst also trying to establish its own common markets, De Gaulle was wary of British interest in the community.Britain finally joined the EEC in 1973 along with Denmark and Ireland.The ChunnelThe Channel Tunnel is an i ncredible symbol of Anglo-French unity.At 31.4 miles long, the Chunnel has been recognised as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, and up to 400 trains pass through it each day, providing a vital link between two European hubs: London and Paris.You can catch the Eurostar from London to Paris ¦ source: Pixabay - theo-choiAlthough the tunnel was officially opened in 1993, talks about linking England to France via such a link had been happening since the beginning of the 19th century.Blair and ChiracOne of the most recent quarrels between the UK and France came about after a disagreement between UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac at a 2002 EU summit.The incident occurred when the reformation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was being debated, and Blair verbally attacked Chirac for his perceived hypocrisy in defending the current policy which, he claimed, was ‘responsible for the starvation of the world’s poor’. In retaliation, Chirac responded by saying that Blair had been ‘badly brought up’.Understandably, this dispute shocked people on both sides of the channel, and hostility between Blair and Chirac remained for some time, however, given the value of strong Anglo-French political alliances, both sides continued to respect the other.Sporting Rivalries Between England and FranceRivalries are never as prevalent as they are when it comes to sports. When it comes to England v France, the international rugby union tournament known as the six nations is where all of the friendships and rivalries of the past come to light.The 10th March 2018 saw England go head to head with French rugby team in a fixture which ended in a French victory with 22-16 and crushed England's dreams of a 6 nations win, despite Jonny May's efforts.If it's the language you want to focus on, then search your chosen search engine for something like 'french lessons london'. Alternatively, you can look out for french lessons online.

Saint Louis University A Student Review

Saint Louis University A Student Review Margaret earned her bachelors degree in Spanish and psychology from Saint Louis University. She specializes in test prep tutoring, Spanish tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Saint Louis University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Margaret: I attended Saint Louis University, which is in the heart of Midtown St. Louis. The school is separated into two campuses: the Frost, or the main campus, and the Medical Campus. While there is a shuttle that runs between the two campuses, you dont need any external form of transportation when youre on a single campus, as both of them are easily walkable. While the campus is in the city, most students will refer to the SLU bubble, which is SLU and its immediate surrounding area where students feel safe and comfortable walking around. Like any city, its best to know where you are, but on campus I never felt unsafe. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Margaret: I never had an issue with a professor being unresponsive. If you make an effort to attend office hours or to set up an appointment, theyre very responsive and helpful. Sometimes, TAs are more available, depending on the class and case load of a particular professor during a given semester; but in general, my professors were always willing to make time to meet with me. My academic adviser was also easy to contact and meet with and was helpful when I needed to make decisions about courses. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Margaret: This aspect of SLU is changing rapidly right now. When I was in college and staying on campus, I lived in Reinert Hall, while most of the other freshmen lived in Gries, Marg, or Walsh. I had an amazing freshman year floor and I made a lot of friends that I still keep in touch with now. Living in a dorm was a great way for me to meet people, as well as have friends to study and hang out with. In recent years, SLU has undergone some major renovations. Theyre adding new dorm buildings and there are newly added apartment options right near campus. They added some new restaurants on campus as well, including St. Louis Bread Co., Qdoba, and Starbucks. As a student, youll have your favorite places to eat and places that you dont love, but overall you have a lot of options. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Margaret: SLU is an exceptional school for any medical track. Athletic training, physical therapy, pre-med, and nursing are just some of the possible options. The programs are extremely rigorous, competitive, and nationally ranked. Outside of medical tracks, SLU is also well known for the International Business program. The B School, or business school, is really well-developed, and is probably the best school within the university at connecting its students with internship and job opportunities. I majored in Psychology and Spanish. I definitely felt supported by my professors the entire way through my major courses. My professors were exceptionally competent, passionate, and easy for me to work and connect with. I wasnt even planning to major in Spanish, but I had a really passionate teacher who saw my talent and encouraged me to continue my Spanish studies. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Margaret: I have a very vivid memory of driving to SLU with my dad to move into my dorm as a freshman. I turned to him in the car and said something I had been worrying about since I committed to SLU: Dad, what if people dont like me? When he came to visit me second semester, I confidently walked him through my residence hall and ran into at least eight or nine people I knew before I even got to my floor; my dad said it was like walking around with the mayor. I had no reason to be worried about making friends at SLU, because SLU has a truly unique student body. Its a student body with passion, kindness, and compassion, and its made up of students who care for other people and for their community. I didnt choose to participate in Greek life, but its becoming a larger presence on campus. I had several friends who did participate and spoke very highly of the experiences they had. They found a lot of great friends, always had events to go to if they wanted to, and it helped them make connections. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Margaret: The services at SLU are what you make of them. If you take advantage of them, youll be happy with what they help you do. Their writing services are exceptional and they offer free tutoring. The Career Center helps with writing CVs, helps teach you how to network and connect, and assists you in finding positions. I found all of the services that I utilized to be very helpful. SLU also runs several job fairs each year with hundreds of companies that come to recruitfrom small nonprofits to giant corporations like Boeing. These job fairs are perfect opportunities for networking. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Margaret: The only time it gets more difficult to find a place to sit in the library is during midterms and finals, because everyone on campus is studying at the same time. The library is open 24 hours during normal weeks and during midterms and finals its open 24/7. When you had to pull those terrible all-nighters, the library was where you went. Other places I studied on campus included the B School, the Center for Global Citizenship (CGC), and the Busch Student Center (BSC). The B School has the atrium with plenty of tables and chairs for group studying, a silent study room, and individual study rooms on the upper floors. The CGC has a huge open area with long tables to study and a little cafe to get food and coffee. Finally, the BSC has Bread Co. and several other dining options with tons of tables, couches, and rooms to study. Describe the surrounding town. Margaret: To be honest, I didnt take advantage of the surrounding area until I was in my junior and senior years, and I learned even more once I graduated and moved to another part of the city. There are a lot of things to do in St. Louis. Since this city is divided up into neighborhoods, you can get a variety of experiences. When its time for Mardi Gras, everyone heads to Soulard. South Grand boasts a ton of ethnic restaurant choices and access to Tower Grove Park. If you head north, you can go to The Fabulous Fox Theatre. If you head west, youll run into the Central West End, another area with tons of restaurants, Forest Park, and a movie theater. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Margaret: SLU is a mid-size school with about 8,000 undergraduates. I didnt want a school where I would feel lost in a sea of people I didnt know. I liked that SLU had a tighter knit community where I would see people I knew. Classes range from big lecture courses with up to 300 people, to classes significantly smaller than that with 15-20 students. You had more of an opportunity to participate in smaller courses, but I never took issue with the size of any of my classes. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Margaret: One of my favorite professors was Dr. Dan Finucane, a professor in theological studies. I took a few courses with him and he wasnt what comes to mind when you think of a strict academic professor. He was funny, personable, and easygoing inside and outside of the classroom. He was also approachable and easy to talk to. Despite the fact that theology has the potential to be divisive, depending on the beliefs of students in a particular class, in his courses I had some of the best, most thought-provoking discussions. He made religious principles relevant and timely and challenged you to consider new approaches. He was one of the most impartial teachers I ever had and he was exceptionally gifted at provoking quality conversation that examined a topic from all sides. Check out Margarets tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Music Transcription How to Transcribe Your Favorite Song

Music Transcription How to Transcribe Your Favorite Song Suzy S. One of the best parts about learning music is figuring out how to recreate and play your favorite songs. Its amazing what you can accomplish after learning a few of the basics! And when it comes to music transcription, its not as difficult as it may seem. Here, Brooklyn guitar teacher Mike B. shares his process So, you just heard a new song you love on the radio. And you’ve just started learning guitar (piano, violin, whatever). You want to figure out how to play that song on your own â€" no teachers, no sheet music, no tabs, just the recording. First, get the song ready for playback. Pick up the CD at Best Buy, or load up the music on YouTube, GrooveShark or whatever your preferred site is. You will probably need to listen to little parts over and over again to get it right. Next, prime your ears to listen for the bass. This is the lowest note in the song, usually played by the â€" you guessed it â€" bass. Almost always, the notes played by the bass hold the secret to figuring out a song. If there’s no bass (just a piano, for example), then the bass part is the lowest note of the chord. So when you play a G major chord, the lowest note is ‘G’ and that’s the bass part. See if you can hear patterns; this is called the bass line. Most songs have sequences of 2, 3 or 4 chords that repeat over and over again. This is the chord progression. Once you’ve got your bass line, you know the root of the chords, but you still need some more information. Eventually, with practice, your ear will learn to recognize patterns automatically. Youll figure out that the same chord progressions happen all the time in music. But at first, slow down the bass part, and try playing chords over top of it, until you get it right. 99% of the time, the chord will be ether a major chord or a minor chord. So say your bass line goes G â€" C â€" A   D. Try playing each chord as either a major or minor chord, and see which ones fit with the song. Play the pattern with the correct chords. Try to play the chords in a rhythm that sounds good and sounds like the song â€" don’t be afraid to experiment until you’ve got something that works! Now, move through the song and keep listening to the bass. Maybe there’s a little something unique in the beginning (an intro) followed by the main pattern (a verse or chorus). Often, different sections of a song will have slightly different chord progressions. You need to listen to the bass and fill in the correct chords for each section. Write down how many times the patterns repeat before they change to help you remember what to play. A typical song might go: Intro â€" Chorus â€" Verse â€" Chorus â€" Verse Bridge â€" Chorus â€" Outro What’s left? Well, the melody and the lyrics! It’s good to figure out how to play the melody on your instrument, but playing the melody along with the chords can be tricky. For now, let’s just sing. That’s it for now! Of course, there are all types of songs out there, and there are exceptions to all the things I’ve just said. But this technique should help you figure out most songs that cross your path.  The best part is that it works for several genres pop music, rock, jazz standards, Mozart sonatas, you name it! Happy listening! Mike B.  teaches guitar, music performance, music recording, music theory and songwriting lessons to students of all ages in Brooklyn, NY. After studying music at Oberlin College and Wesleyan University, Mike continued on to New York in 2005, where he has been playing in various groups and working on engineering and composing for film. Learn more about Mike, or visit TakeLessons to find a teacher near you! Photo by Natalie Chiu.

Portuguese Lessons Belfast

Portuguese Lessons Belfast Ever Wanted To Learn Portuguese In Belfast? ChaptersStudy Portuguese At UniversityTry Out Portuguese Lessons At A Language SchoolLearn Portuguese OnlineOther Ways To Learn PortuguesePortuguese is a brilliant language to learn. As one of the most spoken languages in the world, with around 200 million native speakers, there are plenty of people you can speak Portuguese with!Regardless of why you might be interested in learning Portuguese, it can be difficult to find a place where you can learn the language, especially if you’re an absolute beginner or an intermediate speaker.This is because Portuguese isn’t typically taught as a modern foreign language at schools, whether that’s at primary school or secondary school. This is because other languages, from French to Spanish and German, are generally preferred.So, if you want to improve your Portuguese skills, you need to look outside the box for a language tutor. This article outlines some of the ways you can learn Portuguese in Belfast.Phonetics;Transport; andThe weather, a mong others.Of course, if you are an advanced Portuguese speaker, or would really like to learn about the language in great depth, then there is the option to apply for a place at university to study Portuguese at degree-level.Queen’s University Belfast can also help in this regard and offers a number of degree programmes that include Portuguese, such as International Business with Portuguese, Spanish and Portuguese, French and Portuguese, and Archaeology and Portuguese.Language schools can help teach you basic greetings in Portuguese (Image Source: Pixabay)Try Out Portuguese Lessons At A Language SchoolIf studying a language at university doesn’t appeal, then you could also try your hand at improving your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Portuguese at a language school.There are a few language schools in Belfast, such as Language Trainers, which offers Portuguese lessons in a number of formats, including:One to one general Portuguese lessons;One to one busine ss Portuguese lessons;Two to one and small group Portuguese lessons.So, whether you’d like to learn Portuguese for work-related reasons, or you want to learn the language for personal reasons (maybe to travel to Portugal or Brazil) you should be able to find a course.To give you a guideline of how much time you would need to commit to learning Portuguese, Language Trainers gives an estimate of the number of hours needed to reach a certain level:An elementary level would take around 30 hours;An intermediate level would take around 150 hours; andAn advanced level would take around 400 hours.Another language school you might like to research in Belfast is Listen Learn, which offers language lessons across the UK and Ireland.Like Language Trainers, Listen Learn offers a range of Portuguese courses depending on why you’d like to learn Portuguese.You can find face to face, one to one lessons for both general Portuguese and business Portuguese, as well as group lessons. Portuguese le ssons can also be held via Skype.Flexibility is emphasised with Listen Learn, as their website states:“You and your group can be trained by our native speaker qualified Portuguese teachers and can meet at your place of work or home at a time convenient to you. Tutorials can take place any day of the week, including weekends, and can be scheduled for the morning, afternoon or evening. If your home or office is not suitable for you, you can attend the lesson at the teacher's offices. You will be provided with all relevant lesson materials.”You might find that having Portuguese lessons in a group setting works better for you (Image Source: Pixabay)Learn Portuguese OnlineIf you’re looking for a more flexible way to learn a language, then you could also consider learning Portuguese, or another foreign language, online.There are plenty of resources available on the internet at price points to suit all budgets.The BBC, for example, offers some language learning resources for Portugu ese, such as “Talk Portuguese” â€" an online language course for beginners. The course covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to:Introductions;Ordering a meal or booking a table when eating out;Shopping for food;Transport and directions; andGreetings.Aside from the BBC, there are other ways to learn languages online or through your phone, with some popular examples highlighted below.BabbelBabbel is one of the most well-known language learning apps available. A paid-for service, Babbel offers:“Lessons crafted by language experts, and voiced by native speakers, [that] will get you ready for real-life  situations.”“Interactive dialogues [that] will give you the confidence to speak, and our speech recognition technology will help you get it  right.”“Curated review sessions [that] will reinforce what you’ve learned by bringing it back in new contexts, committing it to memory so you’ll never struggle for the right  words.”Babbel also offers short, easy to digest lessons, which tend to last 10 to 15 minutes, which is great if you’re time-poor but still want to get better at speaking Portuguese or learning the language more generally.Babbel also offers many different languages, such as Italian, German, Spanish, French, and Russian. So, if you’d like to learn another foreign language alongside Portuguese, Babbel can certainly help.DuolingoAnother popular language-learning resource is Duolingo.Like Babbel, lessons tend to be bite-size, making it easy to learn on the go, whether you’d like to learn about Portuguese grammar, the alphabet, or would like to expand your vocabulary in general.Other languages are also offered aside from Portuguese, such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Chinese.You can access a free version of Duolingo or choose a paid-for version that removes adverts and offers offline courses, among other things.MosaLinguaIf you’re after something a little bit different when learning Portuguese, you could try MosaLingua.The Portuguese course offers features such as:Over 3,600 vocabulary flashcards;A personalised learning programme;Learning tips; andVocabulary adapted to your level, whether you’re an absolute beginner or an advanced speaker.Apps that offer Portuguese lessons can be a great way to learn more about the Portuguese language (Image Source: Pixabay)Other Ways To Learn PortugueseLanguage apps and online language courses, such as those run by the BBC, can be really helpful if you’re new to a language or want to learn in a flexible way that suits a busy lifestyle.Additionally, while there are certain things you can learn relatively easily through an app, such as learning common greetings and sayings in Portuguese and learning basic vocabulary and grammar, there are some drawbacks.This is because, while an online course can help you improve your reading and writing skills in Portuguese, you might find it harder to develop your speaking and listening skills to the same level, unless the course incorporates exercises that practice these areas.Ideally, when learning Portuguese, you should have regular exposure to the language as it’s spoken, and you should also have the opportunity to speak in Portuguese as well. This is why having a Portuguese tutor that you can converse with while speaking Portuguese can be so beneficial, as a tutor:Can let you know if your pronunciation needs work;Can give you the opportunity to talk about new topics in Portuguese;Can improve your listening skills when you hear them speak to you in Portuguese; andCan make you feel more comfortable overall when listening to and speaking Portuguese.If you’re looking for a new Portuguese tutor to help you take the next step in your language learning journey, then you could consider tutoring websites such as Superprof. Superprof has tutors in Belfast that teach a wide array of subjects and languages, including Portuguese.If you have a particular preference as to whether you lear n Brazilian Portuguese or the Portuguese spoken in Portugal, let your tutor know as well and they’ll do what they can to help you.The benefits of having a Superprof tutor teach you Portuguese is increased flexibility, as you can have more choice when it comes to when to have your lessons, and you also have a greater voice when deciding what you’re taught.So if you’re looking to improve your business Portuguese, want to learn common greetings or basic sayings, want to revise the Portuguese alphabet and basic grammar, or would like someone to practice your speaking skills with, a Superprof tutor could help you.